Resolving unresolved conflicts.
If there’s unresolved conflict in your business partnership, we are here to help.
Perhaps you had a lot of agreement when you began; but as your business grew, or didn’t, conflict arose. If you need support to talk to each other, we can help.
We are here to do just that.
Our coach, Cherie Morris, can talk to you about what’s occurring and has abundant referral resources. She and the rest of our team, as needed, will help you decide which tools will best help you create the shift for success.
Contact us today by calling 240.252.3349 Ext. 812!
Workplace disputes can be annoying.
If you can’t stand the guy in the cubicle next to you because he’s always talking on his phone too loud, you may go to him first; if that doesn’t work, you take it to H.R. and see if they can help. Right?
What if you find that you encounter many such irritations in the workplace; and despite your attempts to resolve them, you remain dissatisfied?
If you like your job but these constant challenges threaten your ability to keep it, maybe you can begin to think about another approach to the challenges you face.
Maybe you aren’t getting to the “heart” of the problem.
Rather than reminding your employer of all the obstacles, work with our coach, Cherie Morris, to see possibilities.
Perhaps that guy on the phone could use a little friendly attention and maybe you do something that bothers him, too. There may be a way to create a shared space of commonality to foster and strengthen connection in ways you haven’t imagined.
Let possibility, rather than limitation, be your mindset. Find new ways to connect with others at work who you may not have known how to approach at all.
Contact us today by calling our coach, Cherie Morris, first at 240.252.3349 Ext. 812!
Neighbor difficulties can be exasperating.
It may seem just annoying at first, but the guy next door never mows his lawn or the old lady across the street has a falling down fence that’s ruining the look of the neighborhood.
Perhaps worse, your millennial neighbor plays music of the electronic variety late into what becomes a screeching night.
Perhaps you’ve tried to work this out with them but without success.
Because you are likely to “live with” these people for years to come, how can you approach this conflict differently in a way that brings success?
Coaching offers success with annoying neighbors.
Our coach, Cherie Morris, can help. She will clarify so you can think creatively, with and possibly without your neighbor’s cooperation, to make your corner of the neighborhood the peaceful respite from the world that you need.
Contact us today by calling our coach, Cherie Morris, first at 240.252.3349 Ext. 812!