You Found Us!

How Do We Help?

  1. Call or email Cherie Morris, our Transformational Mediation Coach and Parent Coordinator. She will talk to you about your issue(s) for about 20 minutes to make sure what you need is a good fit for our team.
  2. Meet with Cherie for one hour to create a plan and add additional team members, as needed, to address your conflict. Cherie remains your primary point of contact in this concierge-level service to make sure, at all times, you feel supported in the process. She will continue to “check-in” and also be your primary point of contact throughout the process.
  3. Meet with other team members, including therapists for adults and children, teen coaches, financial professionals, and/or mediator lawyers or individual lawyer referrals, too.
  4. Meet weekly or every other week with Cherie to stay on track and keep your plan in line with your values and goals. You may also text and email Cherie between meetings (which may occur in office or by teleconference, as needed) to address your concerns as they arise.
  5. After developing a plan for success, meet with Cherie to wrap up the work you’ve done together and make sure you can proceed with confidence.